WORK TOGETHER —Early involvement of stakeholders and design team.
SET GOALS EARLY —Energy and water reduction goals are set at the beginning of the project with consensus reached by all stakeholders.
HEAVY DESIGN WORK UPFRONT—Schematic Design is emphasized and incorporates extensive analyses in order to clarify key building systems early in design.
POST‐OCCUPANCY—Our designers are involved after occupancy to ensure proper use, operation and maintenance of the building. We acquire utility bills to compare the design against our simulations and alert the owner if any disparity is found and, if necessary, address the disparity.
”Architecture is more than form and function; it is the heartbeat of the space inside.”
Innovative Design is also a creative design studio that focuses on the story behind Interior design. Focusing on the social and psychology science of the human connection to design, we take a holistic approach to all the elements of design. Creating unique designs for a collection of styles and function. We design with style that embraces the uniqueness and style of every project. As we focus on every interior architectural detail, you will realize, we are more than paint chips and throw pillows starting at the first meeting, from concept to completion.